The team and friends will be in Seattle today to participate in Extra Life’s 2016 Game Day, an annual all-day gaming marathon put together to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
Very appropriately, our choice of game will be escape rooms! We’ll be doing various escape room challenges for the full day from 9am to midnight, hosted by Epic Team Adventures at Seattle! We’re very happy to have this opportunity to help raise money for our local children’s hospital while simultaneously doing something that we absolutely love!
If budget allows, please consider sponsoring us in our full-day escape room marathon. 100% of donations will go straight to UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals and your donation will be 100% tax-deductible. The money will help make sure that children in the San Francisco Bay Area can get the medical attention that the need.
You can donate at this link: While our escape room marathon will be on Saturday, November 5th, 2016, the donation page will be open for the rest of 2016.
Watch us live at
As an added incentive for donors to Team Space Romeo – William will offer personalized escape room recommendations for the next 12 months in the areas that we cover. 🙂

Team Space Romeo!
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